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July 27, 2024

The Candidate Physical Ability Test (CPAT) is the physical test a newly hired firefighter must pass while in the fire academy. The job of a fire fighter is one of the most physically demanding jobs in North America. It requires high levels of cardiopulmonary endurance, muscular strength and muscular endurance. The Candidate Physical Ability Test consists of eight critical physical tasks that simulate actual job duties on the fire ground.

1. What is the CPAT?
The CPAT is a standardized test that evaluates a candidate's physical ability to complete tasks that may be assigned while operating at an actual fire. The CPAT is a timed pass/fail test that consists of eight separate events:

  • Stair Climb
  • Hose Drag
  • Equipment Carry
  • Ladder Raise & Extension
  • Forcible Entry
  • Search
  • Rescue
  • Ceiling Breach & Pull
During the CPAT, you must progress along a predetermined path from one event to the next in a continuous manner. Participants wear a 50-pound (22.68-kg) vest to simulate the weight of self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) and firefighter protective clothing. An additional 25 pounds (11.34 kg), using two 12.5-pound (5.67-kg) weights that simulate a high-rise pack (hose bundle), is added to your shoulders for the stair climb event. Candidates 10 minutes and 20 seconds to complete all eight tasks.

Page Last Updated: Dec 26, 2010 (06:27:06)
Dutchess-Fairview Professional Fire Fighters
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